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Safety Tips on Trekking

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Safety Tips on Trekking

There is so much to gain from trekking in terms of healthy physical and mental benefits. But, it is also a risky sport.

Travel Tips

Trekking and long stretches in mountains and hillsides are attracting so much popularity these days. It's an adventure sport and healthy exercise. There is so much to gain from trekking in terms of healthy physical and mental benefits. But it is also a risky sport. Hiking or trekking on mountains can improve your vitals like blood sugar level, pressure level, oxygen intake level, overall stamina etc. Let’s focus on some safety tips on trekking ## Enroll in some professional trekking courses Trekking is a dangerous sport. Sometimes you will be in a worse climate with no visibility or connectivity to the outside world. You may expect several dangerous encounters with wild animals. So if you are an ammeture in trekking this may lead to dangerous casualties. There are many institutes both private and public offering 30 - 45 days trekking and camping courses. It's better to enroll in some courses and prepare for your adventurous journey. ## Pack light and carry the essentials- There is a checklist for essential items that is provided by almost all the trekking camps. Important things among them are water, first aid kit, light,compas, mobile and satellite phones, radios, camping materials, sleeping bag, safety measures, medicines, food items and protection against wild animals. Heavy packing may lead to discomfort and tiredness. Always carry enough water. High altitude and less oxygen availability may do many tricky things to our body. ## Self defence is important Do not travel solo in trekking. This will increase your risk of travelling. Always travel in packs so that you will have company all the time and people will be there to watch your shoulders. Carry safety precautionary instruments like pepper spray. It's a highly recommended tool against wild animal attacks, especially Bears. If possible attend and get trained by professionals for self defense lessons .Keep this motto in mind - “Lone wolf may be targeted but the pack will always survive”. ## Get updated about weather forecasts Seasonal weather changes will be there in your travel paths. Checking these weather forecasts are really important. You should always listen to experts' advice on weather forecasts. Rainy and snowy seasons are not suitable for mountain trekking. Animal travel is also seasonal in some cases. Always takes necessary precautions according to weather conditions and forecasts. Trekking is a highly rewarding experience when you do it in a safe and right way. Otherwise it may lead to dreadful memories. Sometimes you have to trust your guts and take risks. Always have a pleasant and open mind in such travels.